About Mr. Kaplan

I teach Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Marine Biology, and AP Environmental Science in our STEAM Magnet. Emails/schoology messages typically are answered in 1 school day. I usually stay after school for around an hour or two so if you want a in person conference or your student needs help in their science course come by T152.
Hi there!
I grew up here in the valley but went to Oregon State University to study Marine Biology and Ecology. While there I volunteered for multiple labs doing research on the PNW's rocky intertidal (tide pools) but I did a stint in Queensland, Australia helping with the research in the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest. 
Prior to teaching I worked for the US Department of Agriculture, Oregon State University's Arthropod Collection, and at an Environmental Testing company identifying asbestos in building materials.
Outside education I boulder(rock climbing without ropes) around 2 times a week, and I play beach volleyball on the weekends. At home I walk/play with my dog Specci, play videogames, or catch up on what ever show the kids are raving about.
B.S. Degree Oregon State University 
Marine Biology