Advanced Placement (AP), Honors Classes, and more

Are You Up for the Challenge?
Do you love numbers and enjoy a good brain teaser? If so, then our Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) Math programs are for you! We're recruiting students who are passionate about math and ready to push their skills to the next level.
Here's what you can expect:
  • Deeper Dives: Go beyond the basics and explore complex mathematical concepts.
  • Sharpen Your Skills: Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities.
  • College Prep: Get a head start on college-level math and potentially earn college credit through AP exams.
  • The Challenge You Crave: Honors and AP classes offer a fast-paced and stimulating learning environment.
Are you a good fit?
  • You have a strong foundation in math and consistently perform well in math classes.
  • You enjoy a challenge and are eager to learn new things.
  • You're a self-motivated student who thrives in a rigorous academic setting.
  • Taft Charter High School offers Honors courses in Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus.
  • Honors Mathematics courses move at a faster pace than regular mathematics courses, enabling students to learn more topics in each course.
  • Classes in Honors Mathematics focus on academics.  Honors classes place a greater emphasis on depth of knowledge and mathematical skills.  Students practice their analytical skill, synthesis of knowledge, and applications of mathematical concepts.
  • Honors Mathematics courses prepare students for AP level courses and college level courses.
  • Honors Mathematics courses are taught in a community of learners where students learn to network their skills and build lifelong friendships in a safe, academically focused setting.
  • AP Mathematics Classes offer a rigorous, nationally recognized curriculum with the goal of preparing students for college.  AP courses are designed to mirror the rigor and expectations of college-level work.  
  • AP Classes gives students the opportunity to develop essential study habits and the ability to thrive in an academically challenging environment.
  • AP Mathematics classes affords students the opportunity to earn college credits.  By achieving a high score on an AP exam, you demonstrate your ability to succeed in a college level curriculum.
  • AP Mathematics classes can save you time and money! High scores on AP Mathematics exams may earn students college credits and may enable them to skip introductory college courses and potentially graduate early (credit varies from college to college; contact your college(s) of choice for more detail).
  • At Taft Charter High School, AP courses also improve your GPA because they are weighted!  They are an essential step from your journey from Freshman to Valedictorian
  • AP Precalculus is a different type of AP course. It’s designed for every student who’s ready for precalculus in high school. If you plan to complete Geometry and Algebra 2  before your senior year, AP Precalculus is for you.
  • AP Precalculus is a great way to try AP for the first time. Taking just one AP course in high school can improve your first-year college GPA and your likelihood of graduating college in four years with a bachelor’s degree.
  • Taking AP Precalculus helps you prepare for calculus and other higher-level math needed for STEM majors and careers.
  • AP Calculus courses focuses on students’ understanding of calculus concepts and provide experience with methods and applications.
  • Through the use of big ideas of calculus (e.g., modeling change, approximation and limits, and analysis of functions), courses require students to use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions.
  • AP Calculus teaches the high-level skills needed STEM majors and careers.  
  • Students typically take AP Calculus in Junior year or Senior year.  
  • Successful completion of the AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC exams can give students college credit AND exemption from some math classes in college (credit varies from college to college; contact your college(s) of choice for more detail).
Should I take AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC?
AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC
  • AP Calculus AB is recommended to students who have successfully completed either (1) Precalculus or (2) AP Precalculus. 
  • AP Calculus AB is a two-semester class that teaches the concepts of limits, derivatives, integrals, and their applications.
  • Students who successfully complete the AP Calculus AB Exam will earn credit for AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC is recommended to who have successfully completed either (1) Honors Precalculus/AP Calculus A or (2) AP Calculus AB.
  • AP Calculus BC is a two-semester class that teaches the concepts of integrals, advanced integral techniques, differential equations, infinite series, and their applications.
  • Students who successfully complete the AP Calculus BC Exam will earn credit for both AP Calculus AB AND AP Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics is an introductory College Level course in statistics.
  • Students typically take AP Statistics in Senior year after Precalculus, Honors Precalculus/AP Calculus A, AP Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, or AP Calculus BC.
  • You’ll learn how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data. Statistics is used by more people than any other kind of math. You will always be able to answer the question “When are we ever going to need this?”
  • Every discipline uses statistics: sciences, architects, engineering, medicine, and even sports!
  • Those going to college will find that their major most likely offers a statistics class, and students who take AP Statistics at Taft Charter High School will find themselves well-prepared for the class or even exempt from the class! (credit varies from college to college; contact your college(s) of choice for more detail)