NCAA Eligibility Standards

16 Core Course Rule
16 Core Courses:
  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of Mathematics (Algebra 1 or higher)
  • 2 years of Natural/Physical Science (1 year of lab if offered by your high school)
  • 1 year of additional English, Mathematics or Natural/Physical Science
  • 2 years of Social Science
  • 4 years of additional courses (from any area above, Foreign Language or non-doctrinal Religion/Philosophy)
Go to for more information
For everything that you need to know about having your student follow the track to success -As a Student -Athlete you can also obtain information about the NCAA Clearinghouse which is the organization that works with the NCAA to determine a student's eligibility for athletics participation in his or her first year of college enrollment. Students who want to participate in college sports during their first year of enrollment in college must register with the clearinghouse. Log on to or call 1-877-262-1492.
You should contact the clearinghouse when you have questions like these:
  • How do I register?
  • I have forgotten my PIN Can I get a new one?
  • Some of my classes are not on my high school's list. How can I get a class added?
  • My clearinghouse report shows I am missing some material. What is missing?
  • Where do I send my transcripts?
  • What do the codes on my clearinghouse report mean?
  • I have been home schooled. What do I have to do to register?
  • I am a high-school counselor and I do not know my high-school's PIN. Can I find out what it is?
  • I am a high-school administrator and want to add some core courses to our high school list. How do I do that?