District Office of Transition Services

The Department of Transition Services (DOTS) plays a vital role in preparing our students with disabilities for a successful future after high school. Our team of qualified transition specialists works collaboratively with students, families, and educators to ensure a smooth transition from school to adult life.

DOTS services begin in ninth grade and continue throughout a student's high school career. This allows for early planning and goal setting to best meet each student's unique needs and aspirations. Here are some of the key ways DOTS supports students:

  • Individualized Transition Planning: DOTS works closely with students, families, and general and special education teachers to develop Individualized Transition Plans (ITPs) as part of each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). These plans outline goals and strategies for postsecondary education, training, employment, and independent living.
  • Exploration of Options: DOTS helps students explore a variety of postsecondary options, including colleges, universities, vocational training programs, and competitive employment.
  • Development of Essential Skills: The program focuses on developing critical skills necessary for success after high school, such as self-advocacy, communication, daily living skills, and social-emotional learning.
  • Work-Based Learning: DOTS may facilitate work-based learning experiences such as internships, job shadowing, or volunteer opportunities to help students gain real-world experience and build their resumes.
  • Community Partnerships: DOTS collaborates with community agencies and organizations that provide resources and support services to students with disabilities as they transition to adult life.


Complete the Summary of Performance for Students with Disabilities
The Summary of Performance (SOP) is a personalized resource for students as they prepare to leave school. The purpose of the SOP is to provide students with a summary of their academic achievement and functional performance, which must include recommendations for meeting their postsecondary goals in three essential areas—education/training, employment, and independent living. The SOP condenses and organizes key information from the IEP to assist the student in self-advocacy in education and employment.